
The annual Institute will be a 5-day long program held at Santa Barbara in late June and designed with the guidance of the Advisory Committee. The substance of each institute will be developed with respect to three different coordinates:
  • Research subjects relating to the history and theory of information technology
  • Pedagogical and practical subjects relating to the use of digital technology in teaching and publishing
  • Outreach to educators, business people, and others from beyond the university, as well as “outreach” to new constituencies within the university

5-Day Program of Morning Seminars and Afternoon Workshops. We anticipate a program that for the first year will start with perhaps 30-40 participants. These will be drawn principally from UC faculty and graduate students, but we also anticipate attracting participants from beyond the university. We expect to mount 4 seminars and workshops meeting within a five-day program, each with a specially qualified leader. One seminar might be on a historical or theoretical topic, for example, the relationship between the web and earlier media forms such as print, radio, and film. A second, which might be conducted in workshop format using the Transcriptions facility, would focus on developing a web-page authoring project.


Public Conference. The institute will be followed by a weekend conference on a theme selected in consultation with the Advisory Committee. Possible topics include such general formulations as “Academic Knowledge in the Age of Knowledge Work” or “The Aesthetics of Information” or “The Personal Computer and the Public Sphere,” but conference sessions will also be concerned with such specific issues as “The Library in the Digital Age” or “The Classroom of the Future.” It is assumed that faculty and students from the Institute would participate in the conference; but the conference will draw a larger group of participants. We will actively solicit non-academics – technical people from industry as well as policy-makers and educators – to participate in conference sessions.


Webmaster | Page Content William Warner and Robert Hamm — Created 5/27/01


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