The Stepford Plot and the Question of Gender
Film's suspense: What are the signs for the viewer that
something is different in Stepford?
Plot archetype: "there is a conspiracy against my
freedom, and no one sees it..."
- A 'normal' world where something is strange
- Mission; to uncover the conspiracy and expose it to
the world
- Finding allies, and losing them
- A world from which there is no easy exit
Gender relations in several different scenes
- "Why bother to ask me at all?" (4): what is
the problem between Joanna and Walter?
- Bobbie (7): what do Joanna and Bobbie have together?
- Stepford Men's Association (8+9): what is the real purpose
in this meeting?
- "I thought we were friends" (23)
- Perfection (25+26 + 27): What
do the men of Stepford want?