Team Projects


overview | schedule | assignments | links | student projects | UCSB English | Transcriptions LCI


Banned Books:
Sarah Bacon, Ashley Handlan, Tyler Rosenblatt

War Censorship:
Jessica Rogers, Amir Tikriti
Andrea Walden-Morden, Michael Funes

Censorship of the Condom:
Yas Shamsian, Trisha Dexter, Laura Turner

Censorship in Sex Education:
Amber Kaminsky, Crystal Correra, Jill Staats

Censorship of Non-profit Media:
Brett Hack, Chris Munoz, Lucia Freschi

The Communcations Decency Act:
Erin Nicholson, David Connors, Steve Cohen

Censorship of Art:
Adam Blitz, Megan Patton, John Sefton

Hollywood Censorship:
Clayton Pence, Zaviaire Williams, Kevin Ricks

overview | schedule | assignments | links | student projects | UCSB English | Transcriptions LCI