English 147: Media Culture: Film, Radio, Television, and the Internet
Winter, 2004
Professor William Warner

Team Projects

Battle of the Sexes: Now and Then
Cameron Duggan, Anna Nickila

Censorship and Cinema
Michelle Bethge, Caitlin Desa, Holly Gold

Super Bowl
Marissa Abinanti, Meghan Bernhard, Sean P

Accepting Homosexual Media
Eli Burgos, Genesis Matthews, Carolyn Newey

The Evolution of Minorities in the Media
Monica Diaz, Gloria Gutierrez, Carly Pape

Image and Representation of the Rebel
Danielle Jamison, Daren Spellman, Alan Silva

Divinations from the Entrails of Media
Spencer Coldren, Julius Schaffer

Media Effects and Violence
Joaquin Navarro, Karyn Riddle

Primitive Masculinity
Alex Shapiro

Provisional Critique of Pages for your use in developing final pages for the Final Exam Presentation

LCI course: This course meets the requirement for English majors specializing in the Literature and the Culture of Information (LCI).

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